To Grace

Although she was two grades below me, Grace ended up being my closest friend in high school: it didn’t hurt that I essentially didn’t have friends during my first two years of high school, due to the after-effects of middle school. During the four years I was an undergraduate, we exchanged increasingly long weekly emails, usually addressed to “Sir Daniel” and “Sir Grace” for reasons I don’t entirely remember.

Since then, we have drifted apart to the point where we don’t actually have much in common: I often call her my “token normal friend.” However, we still manage to have extended phone conversations a few times a year to catch up; if nothing else, we have having been friends for so long in common!

“To Grace”
June 2018, in Catonsville, Maryland

I can’t say I know what we have in common anymore…
If we met today, we might not give each other a second glance.

And yet,
We’re still both here, even if we don’t write as much.
Close despite the distance in miles and in personality.

I believe
Our friendship is strong enough to hold for many more years,
Of stories and memories, of private gossip and visits together.

What we still have in common, after all, is each other…
Is almost half our lifetimes shared.